Robust Portfolio Allocation Under Dependence Uncertainty and Ambiguity-Aversion (with E. André) [SSRN]
Status: Under Review.
Sustainable commodity factors (with G. Coqueret and Y. Zhou) [SSRN]
Status: Working paper.
Revisiting the Gibson-Schwartz and Schwartz-Smith Commodity Models (with L. Schneider and P. Six) [SSRN]
Status: Working paper.
Hedging dependence risk with spread options via the Power Frank and Power Student T copulas [SSRN]
(permanent working paper)
Measuring information flows in option markets: a relative entropy approach
Journal of Derivatives, 2023, Forthcoming (with E. ANDRE and L. SCHNEIDER)
Dynamic decision making with predictive panels
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2023, Forthcoming (with G. COQUERET)
[Sample notebook]
Scopes of carbon emissions and their impact on green portfolios
Economic Modelling, 2022, Volume 115, pp. 105951 (with T.ANQUETIN, G. COQUERET, L. WELGRYN)
Seasonal Volatility in Agricultural Markets: Modelling and Empirical Investigations.
Annals of Operations Research, 2021, Forthcoming (with L. SCHNEIDER)
A note on implied correlation for bivariate contracts.
Economics Bulletin, 2020, Vol. 40, Issue 2, pp. 1388-1396. (with G. COQUERET)
Procedural Rationality, Asset Heterogeneity and Market Selection.
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2019, Vol. 82, pp. 125-149. (with G. COQUERET)
Measuring Exposure to Dependence Risk with Random Bernstein Copula Scenarios.
European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, Vol. 270, Issue 1, pp. 873-888.
From the Samuelson Volatility Effect to a Samuelson Correlation Effect: An analysis of Crude Oil Calendar Spread Options.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2018, Vol. 95, pp. 185-202. (with L. SCHNEIDER)
An investigation of model risk in a market with jumps and stochastic volatility.
European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, Vol. 253, Issue 3, pp. 648-658. (with G. COQUERET)
Detection of arbitrage in a market with multi-asset derivatives and known risk-neutral marginals.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2015, Vol. 53, pp. 158-178.
Application of Bernstein copulas to the pricing of multi-asset derivatives.
In: Copulae in Mathematical and Quantitative Finance. Springer-Verlag, Series Lecture Notes in Statistics Vol. 213, 2013, pp. 277-288.
Implied distribution as a function of the volatility smile.
Bankers, Markets and Investors, No. 119 (July/August 2012), pp. 31-42